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Get feedback from your members to improve your operations


WhatsApp Integration for NON USA/Canada Only Accounts.

Effortlessly connect with your clients using WhatsApp integration for Grow CRM. Enjoy global reach, instant engagement, and personalized communication. Exclusive to NON USA/Canada Only accounts.

Cost: $19.99 or depending on your billing agreement



Enhance your operations with valuable insights from your members. Gather feedback effortlessly to refine and optimize your processes. Streamline operations based on direct input, ensuring continuous improvement and member satisfaction.

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Increase purchases and sign-ups with engaging landing pages

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Engage your clients with content and video-based courses

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Trigger Links

Create automations based on link clicks within emails and SMS

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Premium Workflow Triggers

Premium Workflow triggers unlocks advanced capabilities such as connecting workflows to external systems or software - without using expensive third-party automation tools like Zapier, Integromat, or PabblyConnec


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Workflow AI

Workflow AI is a revolutionary workflow action that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to enhance your business automation strategies. It integrates seamlessly with your CRM, responding intelligently to various triggers and actions to streamline your workflows.


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Content AI

Content AI is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help generate content faster, easier, and better. It can be used to create content with specific tones and keywords and generate multiple variations. Content AI is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help your business generate content more quickly, easily, and effectively for social media, email and even images.


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Workflow AI

Conversation AI is a revolutionary action that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to enhance your business automation strategies. It integrates seamlessly with your CRM, responding intelligently to various triggers and actions to streamline your efficiency. It's like having a front desk employee!


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Content AI

Content AI is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help generate content faster, easier, and better. It can be used to create content with specific tones and keywords and generate multiple variations. Content AI is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help your business generate content more quickly, easily, and effectively for social media, email and even images.


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Premium Workflow Triggers

The advanced actions offered by Workflow builder to connect to an external system/app or to perform advanced actions within a workflow.


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Content AI

An AI-powered writing assistant that can help generate content faster, easier, and better in email and social posts and images.


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Workflow AI

A workflow action that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to enhance your business automation strategies. It Can generate responses based on custom prompts.


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Content AI

Create automations based on link clicks within emails and SMS

Frequently Asked Questions

Do advanced features cost extra?

Not all advanced features come with an additional cost; however, some features, indicated with the "$" symbol, may incur extra charges when utilized and is dependent on your PushPress billing agreement. It is important to note that these costs are only applied when the features are used and do not involve any ongoing monthly fees.

What is an average cost of these premium advanced features?

🔹 Premium Workflow Triggers = $10 will get you about 165 Premium Workflow Actions

🔹 Workflow AI = $10 will get you about 165 Workflow AI

🔹 Content AI = $10 will give you about 105820 Words or 160 Images

What's the difference between Workflow AI & Content AI?

Workflow AI:

Is a revolutionary workflow action that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to enhance your business automation strategies. It

Can generate responses based on custom prompts.

🤖 Use it to create dynamic email and SMS replies.

🤖 Gauge the intent of a message (whether positive or negative) and respond accordingly.

🤖 Translate a message into any language!

Content AI:

Is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help generate content faster, easier, and better in email and social posts. It can be used to create content with specific tones and keywords and generate multiple variations. Content AI is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help businesses generate content more quickly, easily, and effectively. Content AI can also generate images!

I don't think I will use these advanced features. Should I activate them anyway?

We recommend only requested these features if you have a plan for them. If you don't right now, that's ok!

I want to use these advanced features but am not sure how best to use them. Do you have any best practices or resources for me?

We do! Learn more about each feature here at the links below. You are also welcome to book a call with our team here.

Help Articles:

- Survey Help Articles

- Funnel Help Articles

- Courses Help Articles

- Trigger Links Help Articles

- Workflow AI

- Content AI